Do shrimp plants make good cut flowers?

Flowers develop on new growth and are perfect for cutting and enjoying indoors. They will last and be attractive for many weeks. The more you cut, the more flowers will be produced. Yellow shrimp plants require well-drained landscape beds with a high organic content.

How do you take a cutting from a shrimp plant?

Shrimp plants are relatively easy to propagate from stem-tip cuttings. To propagate successfully, take a cutting and dip it into rooting hormone, then place into a pot with seedling soil or a sterile rooting mix.

Do shrimp plants make good cut flowers?

Where do shrimp plants grow best?

It does best in loamy or sandy soil that is well drained. It doesn't do well with wet feet. Well rooted plants are fairly drought tolerant, but like most tropicals, it thrives in high humidity. While they will grow in full sun to partial shade, growing shrimp plants where they receive morning sun is ideal.

Is shrimp plant annual or perennial?

tropical perennial

Shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana) is an attractive tropical perennial and a must-have for a hummingbird garden. This easy-to-grow plant can reach two to six feet tall, and is easily recognized by the colorful, drooping, shrimp-like bracts it produces.

Is shrimp plant indoor or outdoor?

Golden shrimp plant is easily grown in the ground as a summer annual in rich, moist soil in full sun (light shade in southern states) or as a houseplant. Plants in containers can be moved outside during the warm months and returned indoors to overwinter in a greenhouse or bright window.

How often does a shrimp plant bloom?

Golden shrimp plants bloom best in the spring and summer, but in the right climate, a well-cared-for plant will bloom all year.

How long do shrimp plants last?

Once the first bracts appear, a shrimp plant will bloom for months and then will rest for a short time before blooming again. The best time to trim and prune is when blooming begins to slow.

How often do shrimp plants flower?

Golden shrimp plants bloom best in the spring and summer, but in the right climate, a well-cared-for plant will bloom all year.

What time of year do shrimp plants bloom?


Known botanically as Pachystachys lutea, this tropical plant is easy to grow and will bloom all summer long. For another twist, there is a similar plant with red bracts called Mexican shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana).

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