What are the 16 PMR frequencies?

The extended frequencies now range from 446.0 to 446.2MHz, with a channel plan based on 6.25 kHz (for digital equipment) and 12.5 kHz (for analogue equipment) spacing.

Is PMR analog or digital?

Analogue Private Mobile Radio (PMR)

What are the 16 PMR frequencies?

What frequencies does Midland PMR use?

Product description Midland PMR G11 Walkie Talkie

The G11 Pro is the new radio with excellent audio quality, 8 new PMR 446 channels and an extended frequency band, from 446.00625 to 446.19375 MHz.

What is the emergency channel for PMR446?

The emergency channel for you (and other members of the public) is a simple 999 call on your mobile phone, and ask for Mountain Rescue. It will patch through to the nearest available mobile network free of charge. If you are lost, mountain rescue can use Sarloc to locate you.

What DMR frequencies are license free?

DMR Tier I uses the 446 MHz frequency band in Europe and it is license-free in the US, meaning there are no frequency licenses required from the FCC.

How many PMR channels are there?

Analogue PMR446 equipment has sixteen 12.5 kHz channels spaced equally between 446.0 to 446.2 MHz. Digital PMR446 equipment has sixteen 12.5 kHz channels and / or thirty-two 6.25 kHz channels. These channels are spaced equally between 446.0 to 446.2 MHz.

Is PMR a UHF or VHF?

The letters PMR stand for Private Mobile Radio, and the number 446 relates to the frequency band 446Mhz (UHF) which these radios and devices use to communicate. Radios of this type can be used for business or leisure use without licence.

Who uses PMR446?

PMR446 radios use frequencies that in Australia, the U.S., and Canada are allocated to amateur radio operators, and military radar systems. Instead, the U.S., Canada and Mexico use the Family Radio Service (FRS) system, which provides a similar service on different frequencies, around 462 and 467 MHz.

Which frequency band does military use?

Band Usage

The military services use the 138-144 MHz band to support air-to-ground, air-to-air, and air-ground-air (AGA) tactical communications; air traffic control operations; LMR nets for sustaining base and installation infrastructure support; and for tactical training and test range support.

Can DMR talk to analog?

Currently most (if not all) digital radios will also work in analogue mode so can be set to talk to analogue radios as well. DMR radios will not talk to dPMR radios and vice versa.

What frequencies are PMR digital?

The extended frequencies now range from 446.0 to 446.2MHz, with a channel plan based on 6.25 kHz (for digital equipment) and 12.5 kHz (for analogue equipment) spacing.

What frequencies do PMR scanners use?

446.0-446.1 MHz was the frequency band designated for analogue PMR446 by CEPT/ERC Decision (98)25 of 23rd November 1998. Digital: On 28th October 2005 by CEPT/EEC Decision (05), the frequency band 446.1-446.2 MHz was designated for use by the new generation of digital PMR446 equipment in development by manufacturers.

What are PMR channels?

PMR stands for Personal Mobile Radio. 446 refers to the UHF frequency range 446MHz, on which licence-free radios are permitted to operate.

Is PMR446 UHF or VHF?

PMR446 (Private Mobile Radio, 446 MHz) is a licence exempt service in the UHF radio frequency band and is available for business and personal use in most countries throughout the European Union.


They use channels in the VHF and UHF bands, giving them a limited range, usually 3 to 20 miles (4.8 to 32 km) depending on terrain.

What frequency does Russia use?

UVB-76 (Russian: УВБ-76; see other callsigns), also known by the nickname "The Buzzer", is a shortwave radio station that broadcasts on the frequency of 4625 kHz.


Broadcast area Russia, Soviet Union (Former)
Frequency 4625 kHz shortwave
Language(s) Russian
Format Repeated buzzing sound

What frequency does NASA use?

Radio frequency communications for spacecraft are conducted between 30 MHz and 60 GHz.

Can Yaesu do DMR?

  • Many new Yaesu amateur radio models available support System Fusion and are capable of connecting to the K6TZ digital repeater in order to bridge from System Fusion to DMR and TG 31073.

How far can a DMR radio transmit?

If you just have a DMR radio, and there's no repeaters around, you're probably only gonna be able to talk a few miles at the most, depending on the terrain and where you're at.

What countries use PMR446?

  • PMR446 radios use frequencies that in Australia, the U.S., and Canada are allocated to amateur radio operators, and military radar systems. Instead, the U.S., Canada and Mexico use the Family Radio Service (FRS) system, which provides a similar service on different frequencies, around 462 and 467 MHz.


The letters PMR stand for Private Mobile Radio, and the number 446 relates to the frequency band 446Mhz (UHF) which these radios and devices use to communicate. Radios of this type can be used for business or leisure use without licence.

What are the best frequencies to listen to on scanner?

The most popular is the 144-MHz (2-meter) band. That's where you'll find a lot of ham radio operators as well as local public safety calls. If you want to hear the civilian aircraft frequencies, you'll want to look for a radio that has the 118 to 136 MHz air band.

What frequency is PMR channel?

446.0 to 446.2MHz

The extended frequencies now range from 446.0 to 446.2MHz, with a channel plan based on 6.25 kHz (for digital equipment) and 12.5 kHz (for analogue equipment) spacing. Here's a table showing the whole spectrum of PMR446 frequencies, with the channel plan.

What is the range of PMR radio?

In perfect conditions such as line of sight with no obstructions it could be possible to achieve 2-3 kilometres. However, in a busy high street you may not achieve coverage from one end to the other.

What is China’s frequency?

LTE frequency bands in China (CTC, CMCC, CUC)

Operator UL operating band, MHz
4 China Telecom 2635 – 2655
5 China Mobile (CMCC) 1880 – 1890
6 China Mobile (CMCC) 2320 – 2370
7 China Mobile (CMCC) 2575 – 2635

What frequency is radio Ukraine?

Kiev 1 on 248 kHz with 120 kW power. Kiev 2 on 832 kHz with 35 kW power. Kharkov on 385 kHz with 10 kW power.

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