What is an example of transitive verbs?

Some other examples of transitive verbs are "address," "borrow," "bring," "discuss," "raise," "offer," "pay," "write," "promise," and "have.

What are examples of transitive and intransitive verbs?

A transitive verb is one that requires a direct object to finish its meaning. Example: He (subject) plays (transitive verb) guitar (direct object). An intransitive verb is one that does not need a direct object to complete its meaning. Example: She (subject) laughs and smiles (compound intransitive verb).

What is an example of transitive verbs?

How do I identify a transitive verb?

To decide whether the verb is being used transitively or intransitively, all you need to do is determine whether the verb has an object. Does she sing something? Does he leave something? The verb is only transitive when the answer is yes.

What are 10 examples of transitive?

Some other examples of transitive verbs are "address," "borrow," "bring," "discuss," "raise," "offer," "pay," "write," "promise," and "have."

What are the 3 types of verbs transitive?

Transitive verbs are further divided into mono-transitive (having one object), di-transitive (having two objects) and complex-transitive (having an object and a complement).

What is transitive verb in English?

A transitive verb can also have an indirect object, which is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that comes before a direct object and indicates the person or thing that receives what is being given or done. Many common verbs can be used with both direct and indirect objects.

What are the types of transitive verb?

Transitive verbs are further divided into mono-transitive (having one object), di-transitive (having two objects) and complex-transitive (having an object and a complement).

What are 20 examples of transitive verb?

GRAMMAR & STRUCTURE List of Common Transitive Verbs

bring Please bring me a glass of water. buy
pass All the students passed the test. pay
play Jennifer loves playing the piano. promise
read They read the newspaper every day. refuse
send My girlfriend sends me an e-mail message every day. show

How many transitive verbs are there?

3 Types of Transitive Verbs.

What are the 8 intransitive verbs?

An intransitive verb is a “verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object, as sit or lie, and, in English, that does not form a passive.” Our definition does a good job of saying what an intransitive verb is, but let's break the two major points a little more.

What are 10 transitive verb examples?

Some other examples of transitive verbs are "address," "borrow," "bring," "discuss," "raise," "offer," "pay," "write," "promise," and "have."

What are 10 examples of transitive verb?

Some other examples of transitive verbs are "address," "borrow," "bring," "discuss," "raise," "offer," "pay," "write," "promise," and "have."

What are the 10 examples of intransitive sentences?

Intransitive verbs are NOT used with direct objects.

Intransitive verb rules & best practices

  • Wolves hunt.
  • Wolves hunt sheep.
  • The birds chirped outside my window.
  • The happy children ate the candy.
  • I walked for an hour.
  • She opened all of the boxes.
  • The mall opened at 7 a.m.
  • My favorite band will perform at the concert.

What are five examples of intransitive verb?

Common intransitive verbs include words like “run,” “rain,” “die,” “sneeze,” “sit,” and “smile,” which do not require a direct or indirect object.

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