What is another word for panache?

Definitions of panache. distinctive and stylish elegance. synonyms: dash, elan, flair, style.

What are some synonyms for panache?

synonyms for panache

  • brio.
  • charisma.
  • dash.
  • flair.
  • flamboyance.
  • flourish.
  • style.
  • swagger.
What is another word for panache?

What does panache mean?

pa·​nache pə-ˈnash -ˈnäsh. : an ornamental tuft (as of feathers) especially on a helmet. The palace guard had a panache on his helmet. : dash or flamboyance in style and action : verve.

What are examples of panache?

For example, if you regularly make bold, eye-catching attire look good, a friend might exclaim, "You dress with so much panache I'm jealous!" Here, your friend would be using panache to describe the flamboyant but attractive style of your clothing.

What is panache in English Oxford?

/pəˈnæʃ/, /pəˈnɑːʃ/ [uncountable] ​the quality of being able to do things in a lively and confident way that other people find attractive synonym flair, style.

What’s a fancy word for beautiful?

Beauteous is the synonym of beautiful that is closest in meaning and form, so is an excellent choice if you want a word that is 'beautiful, but just a little bit different.'

What is a fancy word for Vibe?

An atmosphere or aura felt to belong to a person, place or thing. atmosphere. energy. feel. mood.

How do you use the word panache?

a stylish, original, and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you: The orchestra played with great panache. He dressed with panache.

What is the origin of panache?

Panache (French pronunciation: ​[panaʃ]) is a word of French origin that carries the connotation of flamboyant manner and reckless courage, derived from the helmet-plume worn by cavalrymen in the Early Modern period.

What kind of word is panache?

noun. a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair: The actor who would play Cyrano must have panache.

Which is the closest antonym for the word panache?


  • inelegance.
  • verboseness.
  • tastelessness.
  • underdress.
  • dress down.
  • undercharge.

What is the most powerful word for beautiful?

Exquisite means to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way. Similar to the word lovely, when describing people, exquisite denotes an extreme feminine beauty.

What is the most beautiful word in the world?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

  1. 1 Sequoia (n.) (A seven-letter word that has the letter Q and all five vowels)
  2. 2 Euphoria (n.) A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness. …
  3. 3 Pluviophile (n.) …
  4. 4 Clinomania (n.) …
  5. 5 Idyllic (adj.) …
  6. 6 Aurora (n.) …
  7. 7 Solitude (n.) …
  8. 8 Supine (adj.) …

What’s another word for healing vibes?

catharsis Add to list Share.

What can I say instead of chill?

synonyms for chill out

  • chill.
  • cool it.
  • cool off.
  • loosen up.
  • mellow.
  • relax.
  • settle down.
  • simmer down.

What language is panache?

Panache (French pronunciation: ​[panaʃ]) is a word of French origin that carries the connotation of flamboyant manner and reckless courage, derived from the helmet-plume worn by cavalrymen in the Early Modern period.

What is a synonym for flamboyance?

Definitions of flamboyance. extravagant elaborateness. “he wrote with great flamboyance” synonyms: floridity, floridness, showiness. type of: elaborateness, ornateness.

What is a rare word for beautiful?

  • Pulchritudinous (and pulchritude) come from the Latin pulcher (which means “beautiful”), the same source for a number of uncommon words in English, such as pulchrify (“to beautify”), pulchritudeness (a synonym of pulchritude), and pulchrous ("fair or beautiful”).

What is a unique word for beauty?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What are elegant words?

  • adjective
    • graceful.
    • handsome.
    • luxurious.
    • classy.
    • fine.
    • stylish.
    • majestic.
    • magnificent.

What are some classy words?


  • elegant.
  • graceful.
  • handsome.
  • fine.
  • stylish.
  • tasteful.
  • luxurious.
  • majestic.

What is happy energy called?

Endorphins – the happiness hormones – that are associated with feeling enchantment. Dopamine, which is produced when we feel satisfied, resulting in feeling happy, excited and stimulated.

What is a fancy word for vibes?

a resort with really good vibes. Synonyms. atmosphere. aura. vibrations.

What’s another word for vibes?

What is another word for vibes?

atmosphere aura
environment vibrations
feeling ambience
air feel
mood ambiance

What can I say instead of super cool?

Synonyms of supercool

  • stylish.
  • fashionable.
  • chic.
  • happening.
  • cool.
  • exclusive.
  • smart.
  • trendy.

Is panache a compliment?


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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: