Did Jean Valjean forgive Javert?

valjean forgave javert and allowed him to go free. Analyzes how mercy prevails in les miserbles because of the emotions that fuel the two. Concludes that justice and mercy are considered honorable and good, but where justice is required it often acts as the bare normal for society.

Does Javert forgive Jean Valjean?

A letter from Paris then comes informing Javert that the "real" Jean Valjean has been found; however, it is another criminal that had been caught stealing and was mistakenly identified as Valjean.

Javert's Apology.

"Javert's Apology"
Composer Claude-Michel Schönberg
Lyricist Herbert Kretzmer
Performers Javert Jean Valjean
Song Order
Did Jean Valjean forgive Javert?

What did Jean Valjean do to Javert?

Jean Valjean cut the martingale which Javert had about his neck, then he cut the cords on his wrists, then, stooping down, he cut the cord on his feet; and, straightening himself up, he said to him: “You are free.” Javert was not easily astonished. Still, master of himself though he was, he could not repress a start.

What happens to Javert at the end?

When Valjean finally gives Javert irrefutable proof that a man is not necessarily evil just because the law says he is, Javert is incapable of reconciling this new knowledge with his beliefs. He commits suicide, plagued by the thought that he may be living a dishonorable life.

Why does Valjean spare Javert?

After Fantine died, Jean Valjean felt he needed to atone for the sins against her and wanted to spare himself of even…show more content…

What happens to Jean Valjean at the end?

Valjean makes peace with Marius, with whom he had uneasy relations, and tells Cosette the name of her mother, Fantine. He dies content, under the light of the Bishop's candlesticks, and it is stated that an angel awaits to carry his soul to Heaven.

Is Jean Valjean a good person?

Jean Valjean is an example of a kind, loving, caring, and merciful man, who is first of all a human being, and like any human being, he may fail and rise again. He may learn by his own mistakes and become a better person through overcoming life challenges and twists of fate.

Who did Jean Valjean love?

Jean Valjean wants to make it clear that he loves cosette and that he would do anything for her. Jean Valjean's love for Cosette grew as the story progressed.

Was Javert redeemed?

However, while Valjean vows to redeem himself and change as a person, Javert is unable to accept that his outlook on life was flawed and refuses redemption, choosing to end his own life in the process.

Is Javert the villain in Les Mis?

Javert is indeed the main antagonist in this story; he pursues Valjean, the hero, with a vengeance that seems unjust, and he represents a dark time in Valjean's past. However, he is by no means a villian. Javert is a character with many more complexities than most people attribute to him.

Who is the villain in Les Miserables?

Inspector Javert is the main antagonist of the Victor Hugo novel Les Misérables and its subsequent adaptations. He is a French prison guard who devotes himself completely to the law and follows it unflinchingly, displaying a total lack of empathy for criminals of all forms.

Who is Jean Valjean in love with?

Jean Valjean wants to make it clear that he loves cosette and that he would do anything for her. Jean Valjean's love for Cosette grew as the story progressed. The idea of love is emerged and refined throughout cosette and Jean Valjean's journey as they deal with hideouts, marriage and death.

Is there a happy ending in Les Miserables?

While some characters in Les Misérables meet terrible ends, such as Cosette's mother and Marius' brothers-in-arms, the main characters receive as happy an ending as can be expected for people in their circumstances. Jean Valjean saves Marius' life, and Marius and Cosette are reunited.

Is Valjean in love with Cosette?

Jean Valjean wants to make it clear that he loves cosette and that he would do anything for her. Jean Valjean's love for Cosette grew as the story progressed. The idea of love is emerged and refined throughout cosette and Jean Valjean's journey as they deal with hideouts, marriage and death.

Who was the best Valjean?

Colm Wilkinson

Colm Wilkinson. Arguably the most iconic and popular portrayal of Valjean out there, Wilkinson originated the role on the West End, reprised it for the original Broadway cast, and would later reprise it a few other times, most notably in the 1995 10th Anniversary “Dream Cast in Concert” production.

Was Jean Valjean a good man?

Out of this encounter, Valjean becomes a repentant, honorable, and dignified man. He becomes kind, a devoted father-figure to a girl, Cosette, who loses her mother, and a benefactor to those in need. Although a known criminal and a parolee, Valjean yet grows morally to represent the best traits of humanity.

Does Jean Valjean fall in love with Cosette?

“Poor old Jean Valjean, of course, loved Cosette only as a father; but, as we noted earlier, into this fatherly love his lonely single status in life had introduced every other kind of love; he loved Cosette as his daughter, and he loved her as his mother, and he loved her as his sister; and, as he had never had either …

Is Javert an anti hero?

  • Inspector Javert is an antagonist turned anti-hero in the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, and its various adaptations. He is a dedicated policeman who is committed to punishing criminals, and becomes obsessed with tracking down Jean Valjean, who he guarded in prison and has now broken parole.

Who is the hero in Les Miserables?


JEAN VALJEAN is the hero of the show. It is his life journey that we follow. Jean Valjean is supposed to be stronger than other men, and so physically should appear robust. He should reasonably carry himself as mature and paternal.

Is Javert an anti villain?

  • Javert- Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

    Javert is the quintessential anti-villain. He refuses to forgive and he consistently opposes Jean Valjean, the hero. However, he does this because he puts so much faith in the law. And it's heartbreaking how he's unable to accept grace, even for himself.

Is Jean Valjean a tragic hero?

Jean Valjean is a tragic hero of Aristotelian dimension, whose exploits both inspire and humble with the surfeit of courage and compassion that define them.

Who is alive at the end of Les Mis?

Cosette and Marius are alive at the end of Les Miserables. They are the only main characters left as Valjean dies a little bit after their wedding. Valjean had saved Marius from the barricades.

What is the relationship of Jean Valjean to Javert?

The relationship of Javert and Valjean develops as a binary opposition between law and love. Javert sees Valjean only as the convict he once was, rather than the benefactor of humanity he has become. Javert's struggle against this dichotomy leads to his eventual suicide.

Does Jean Valjean fall in love?

Jean Valjean wants to make it clear that he loves cosette and that he would do anything for her. Jean Valjean's love for Cosette grew as the story progressed. The idea of love is emerged and refined throughout cosette and Jean Valjean's journey as they deal with hideouts, marriage and death.

Does Jean Valjean have a love interest?

Jean Valjean and cosette stuck together through it all which is what love is really about. Jean Valjean shoes his love and affection towards Cosette as he takes care of her and becomes a father-like figure to her. Cosette and Marius had an attraction to one another that was almost instantaneous.

How much did Valjean pay for Cosette?

1500 francs

1500 francs In the end, Valjean offers 1500 francs to take Cosette, and delighted with the money, the Thnardiers hand her over without question.

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