How do I find Garrus in Mass Effect 2?

Garrus can be found in his usual location in the Main Battery on the Crew Deck. When you arrive, he'll explain to Shepard that he's found a lead regarding the location of Sidonis.

Where can I find Garrus?

If the player does recruit him, Garrus can be found in the Normandy and be talked with after each main mission for new information about himself.

How do I find Garrus in Mass Effect 2?

Can you miss Garrus?

Although Garrus can't be skipped in Mass Effect 2, the original game actually makes him missable as you're given the option to pursue recruiting him, Wrex, and Talia in the Citadel.

When can I talk to Garrus again?

Talk To Garrus On The Normandy

Once you help him out, you will be able to talk to Garrus more freely on the Normandy without getting the calibrations line. To do this, got to his usual spot in the Normandy's main battery on the third floor and select the "just want to talk" choice.

When can I talk to Garrus Mass Effect 2?

Garrus Vakarian is only available for Female Shepards, who can begin to court him after you've completed his Loyalty Mission, Garrus: An Eye For an Eye. Once you complete it, you can begin courting him, which happens in three conversation stages.

Does Garrus live Mass Effect 2?

If you pick a Loyal Miranda, Loyal Jacob or Loyal Garrus, they will survive. If you pick anyone else, or somebody not Loyal, they will die.

How do you trigger Garrus and Tali?

As Garrus and Tali are two of Shepard's most loyal friends, they're not going to try to steal the Commander's partner. Thus, the only way you can initiate the relationship between the pair is to avoid romancing either of them — don't worry, there are plenty of other great romantic options for Shepard.

Who replaces Garrus if he dies?

If Garrus dies there is absolutely no replacement and you have an empty spot on your squad. Also Tali, while nobody takes her place on your squad, is replaced plotwise with Admiral Shala'raan Vas Tombay.

Where is Garrus after Chora’s Den?

Once you're done talking to Harkin, your next lead will be to find Garrus at the Med Clinic. Luckily, just as with Chora's Den, the Med Clinic will now be available as a Rapid Transit destination, so look for the one outside Chora's Den and use it to go over there.

Is Garrus older than Shepard?

Garrus Vakarian is 2-4 years younger than Shepard, making him anywhere from 25 to 27. Turians, like quarians, have a lifespan comparable to that of humans.

Is Garrus younger than Shepard?

12 He is Younger Than Shepard

BioWare Writer, Patrick Weekes, has stated that he believes Garrus is two to four years younger than Commander Shepard.

What happens if Garrus and Tali dies in Mass Effect 2?

If Garrus dies there is absolutely no replacement and you have an empty spot on your squad. Also Tali, while nobody takes her place on your squad, is replaced plotwise with Admiral Shala'raan Vas Tombay.

Can Shepard and Liara have kids?

Iyra Aldonia was an Asari Commando, Shadow Broker agent, and adept. She is one of the main protagonist of Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds. Iyra is also the daughter of Liara T'Soni, and Vincent Shepard. Iyra was born on Thessia, her mother's homeworld, the last child of Liara and Vincent.

Is Shepard older than Garrus?

12 He is Younger Than Shepard

BioWare Writer, Patrick Weekes, has stated that he believes Garrus is two to four years younger than Commander Shepard.

Does Tali like Garrus?

And while everyone knows about the sweet relationship between Joker and EDI, you might not be aware that Garrus and Tali can also get together. The pair's romance isn't the deepest in the series, but both characters are some of Mass Effect's most beloved companions, so just seeing them as a loving pair is exciting.

Who is Shepard’s Canon love interest?

As a potential romance that spans the entirety of the Mass Effect trilogy (even if her best moments in ME2 are limited to the Shadow Broker DLC), Shepard's relationship with Liara is one of the most complete and genuine in the original games.

Who is Commander Shepard’s best friend?

Mass Effect 2's Kasumi was always supposed to be Shepard's best friend on the Normandy.

Can Garrus live in Mass Effect 2?

  • If you pick a Loyal Miranda, Loyal Jacob or Loyal Garrus, they will survive. If you pick anyone else, or somebody not Loyal, they will die.

Does Liara get pregnant?

On their way to Ilos, the two finally join, and Liara becomes pregnant.

Who is Shepard’s canon love interest?

  • As a potential romance that spans the entirety of the Mass Effect trilogy (even if her best moments in ME2 are limited to the Shadow Broker DLC), Shepard's relationship with Liara is one of the most complete and genuine in the original games.

Why is Garrus so cool?

Garrus is unabashedly idealistic. Unlike other characters who join Shepard's crew, like Grunt, Garrus has lived in and experienced harsh reality in the universe. He uses the words "justice," "fair," and "happiness" a lot, and they crop up in his loyalty missions and their themes.

Does Tali have a crush on FemShep?

Romance or no, Tali has a crush on Shepard. (and un-used audio files suggest that she might have been romanceable to FemShep before the game went out) And..

Do asari have babies?

Instead of trading cellular material directly like other biological organisms, asari reproduce by "melding": linking their nervous systems with their partner's and utilizing the electrical pattern of their partner's system to provide a template for half the DNA of their resulting child.

Is Shepard canonically female?

The character is clearly a woman. "Yup, Commander Shepard was originally a woman," said Cooper. That settles it once and for all: FemShep is the one true Commander Shepard. This is definitely canon, right, BioWare?

Do Liara and Shepard have a baby?

Iyra Aldonia was an Asari Commando, Shadow Broker agent, and adept. She is one of the main protagonist of Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds. Iyra is also the daughter of Liara T'Soni, and Vincent Shepard.

How old is Liara in human years?

Liara is the estranged child of Matriarch Benezia, a well-respected and powerful asari biotic. She is 106 years old during her first appearance, which is the equivalent to a young adult and within the Maiden stage of asari life.

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