How does fgets () work in C?

The fgets() function reads characters from the current stream position up to and including the first new-line character (n), up to the end of the stream, or until the number of characters read is equal to n-1, whichever comes first.

How does the fgets function work in C?

fgets() function in C

The function reads a text line or a string from the specified file or console. And then stores it to the respective string variable. Similar to the gets() function, fgets also terminates reading whenever it encounters a newline character.

How does fgets () work in C?

How do I use the fgets function?

C library function – fgets()

The C library function char *fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream) reads a line from the specified stream and stores it into the string pointed to by str. It stops when either (n-1) characters are read, the newline character is read, or the end-of-file is reached, whichever comes first.

Why would using fgets () instead of gets () make this program better?

fgets() is a safer version of gets() where you can provide limitation on input size. You can also decide to take input from which stream(e.g. File or standard input).

What’s the difference between gets () and fgets ()?

gets() and fgets() are C functions that accept a string with spaces between characters as input. The issue with gets() is that it has a buffer overflow, which means it takes more input than it should. fgets is used to solve this problem ().

How does fgets C read the data from a file?

fgetc() is used to obtain input from a file single character at a time. This function returns the ASCII code of the character read by the function. It returns the character present at position indicated by file pointer. After reading the character, the file pointer is advanced to next character.

What is the difference between fgets and Scanf?

fgets() can read from any open file, but scanf() only reads standard input. fgets() reads 'a line of text' from a file; scanf() can be used for that but also handles conversions from string to built in numeric types.

How does fgets read the data from a file?

The fgetc() function reads a single unsigned character from the input stream at the current position and increases the associated file pointer, if any, so that it points to the next character.

What is the difference between fgets and scanf?

fgets() can read from any open file, but scanf() only reads standard input. fgets() reads 'a line of text' from a file; scanf() can be used for that but also handles conversions from string to built in numeric types.

What is the problem with fgets?

Explanation: The problem with the above code is scanf() reads an integer and leaves a newline character in the buffer. So fgets() only reads newline and the string “test” is ignored by the program. 2) The similar problem occurs when scanf() is used in a loop.

Can fgets fail?

If n is greater than 1, fgets() will only fail if an I/O error occurs or if EOF is reached, and no data is read from the file.

Why fgets function is recommended?

It is safe to use because it checks the array bound. It keep on reading until new line character encountered or maximum limit of character array.

How to use fgetc to read a file in C?

fgetc() is used to obtain input from a file single character at a time. This function returns the ASCII code of the character read by the function. It returns the character present at position indicated by file pointer. After reading the character, the file pointer is advanced to next character.

What does fgets return if file is empty?

First, answering the title of your question: fgets() returns NULL at end of file and not when a file is empty.

How does fgets () read the data from a file?

Description. The fgets() function reads characters from the current stream position up to and including the first new-line character (n), up to the end of the stream, or until the number of characters read is equal to n-1, whichever comes first.

Does fgets return anything?

fgets() Returned Value

Returns a pointer to the string buffer if successful. Otherwise it returns NULL to indicate failure. If n is less than or equal to 0, it indicates a domain error; errno is set to EDOM to indicate the cause of the failure.

What happens when fgets reaches end-of-file?


Upon successful completion, fgets() returns s. If the stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set and fgets() returns a null pointer.

Should you use fgets in C?

  • fgets is safe to use in comparison to gets since it checks for character array str bounds. gets keeps on reading characters from the users, until a newline character is encountered.

What is the difference between scanf and fgets?

scanf() is a library function in C. It reads standard input from stdin. fgets() is a library function in C. It reads a line from the specified stream and stores it into the string pointed to by the string variable.

Is fgets a blocking call?

  • fgets() is a blocking function, it is meant to wait until data is available. If you want to perform asynchronous I/O, you can use select() , poll() , or epoll() . And then perform a read from the file descriptor when there is data available.

What is the replacement for fgets in C?

A possible alternative to fgets would be the getline() function. It is written in the form: str. getline(buffer, size, stdin).

Why fgets C function is recommended?

fgets is safe to use in comparison to gets since it checks for character array str bounds. gets keeps on reading characters from the users, until a newline character is encountered.

What is the difference between scanf () and fgets ()?

fgets() can read from any open file, but scanf() only reads standard input. fgets() reads 'a line of text' from a file; scanf() can be used for that but also handles conversions from string to built in numeric types.

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