How emails are sent and received?

The email client (web/ mobile/ desktop) connects to the Outgoing SMTP server based on the email account you used. The emil client handovers the email in MIME format to the Outgoing SMTP server. The Outgoing SMTP validates the sender details and processes the message for sending.

How send and receive emails?

Create and send email

  1. On your computer, go to Gmail.
  2. At the top left, click Compose.
  3. In the "To" field, add recipients. You can also add recipients: In the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields. …
  4. Add a subject.
  5. Write your message.
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Send.
How emails are sent and received?

How email works step by step?

Emails are routed to user accounts via several computer servers. They route the message to their final destination and store them so that users can pick them up and send them once they connect to the email infrastructure. Email can be accessed through an email client or a web interface (more about these later).

How do I receive an email?

Step one: Log into your Gmail account so that you are on the dashboard (main page) of your account. Step two: Go to your inbox. Step three: The inbox shows a list of emails received, arranged in columns.

How does an email send?

The email gets sent by the client to an outgoing mail server via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The SMTP server is like your local post office, which checks your postage and address and figures out where to send your mail.

What are the 5 steps of an email?

5 Steps to Writing the Perfect Email

  • Step 1: Define Your Topic. …
  • Step 2: Think About the Recipient. …
  • Step 3: Make Lists. …
  • Step 4: Create Your Call-to-Action. …
  • Step 5: Write Your Subject Line.

How do you receive your Gmail?

Get Gmail on your devices

  1. Any web browser—Go to
  2. Most Google pages—In the upper right, click the App Launcher. and choose Gmail.
  3. Android devices—Install and open the Android app.
  4. Apple iOS devices—Install and open the iOS app.

What is email sending and receiving email?

You can use an email program to send and receive an email. An email program is also known as an e-mail client. There are many email programs available to send and receive an email, including Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook. A server is used to store and deliver your messages while you use an email client.

What is used to send emails?


SMTP is used for sending emails, whereas POP is used for receiving emails. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. POP stands for Post Office Protocol. SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow the software to transmit electronic mail over the internet.

What are 4 important parts of an email?

The 4 Essential Parts of an Email

  • The subject line. Arguably the most important component of the email, the subject line is the deciding factor in whether your message is read or deleted. …
  • The salutation. The start of the email sets the tone for the main body. …
  • The bit in the middle. …
  • The ending.

What are 4 types of email?

Here are the five most common types of emails:

  • Newsletter emails.
  • Lead nurturing emails.
  • Promotional emails.
  • Milestone emails.
  • Survey emails.

How do I open my email?

Open your email

  1. Any web browser—Go to
  2. Most Google pages—In the upper right, click the App Launcher. and choose Gmail.
  3. Android devices—Install and open the Android app.
  4. Apple iOS devices—Install and open the iOS app.

How do you respond to an email received?

How to reply to an email

  1. Click on the application icon on your device.
  2. Scroll through messages and select the email to send a response.
  3. Open the email and find the reply icon at the top or bottom of the page.
  4. Click on 'Reply' and type in your email.
  5. Send.

What is the process of sending and receiving messages called?

The process of sending and receiving messages is called Communication. Communication is a two-way means of communicating information in the form of thoughts, opinions, and ideas between two or more individuals with the purpose of building an understanding.

How do computers send and receive messages?

The Internet Protocol helps to send data in the same network. The data are sent via network packets. Every computer has a static IP and a public IP.

What is email full form?

Email (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer-stored messages from one user to one or more recipients via the internet. Emails are a fast, inexpensive and accessible way to communicate for business or personal use.

Which technology is used in email?

The message is sent over the Internet, via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

What are the 5 email rules?

  • 5 Golden Rules of E-mail Etiquette
    • Address your recipient accordingly. Double, triple check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient's name and their corresponding title. …
    • Use proper salutations and closing statements. …
    • Format appropriately. …
    • Avoid ALL CAPS. …
    • Compress large files.

Why is it called email?

Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages ("mail") between people using electronic devices. Email was thus conceived as the electronic (digital) version of, or counterpart to, mail, at a time when "mail" meant only physical mail (hence e- + mail).

What are the two main parts of an email?

  • A valid email address is an address composed of two parts, a username and a domain name.

How to create an email?

Step 1: Choose a Google Account type

  1. Go to the Google Account sign in page.
  2. Click Create account.
  3. Enter your name.
  4. In the "Username" field, enter a username.
  5. Enter and confirm your password. Tip: When you enter your password on mobile, the first letter isn't case sensitive.
  6. Click Next. …
  7. Click Next.

What is my email id?

Open Gmail app. Click on your Profile Picture at the top right corner. The email address will appear in the drop-down menu.

How do you send an email?

Write an email

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Gmail app .
  2. At the bottom right, tap Compose.
  3. In the "To" field, add recipients. You can also add recipients: In the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields. …
  4. Add a subject.
  5. Write your message.
  6. At the top of the page, tap Send .

How do you respond to sending an email?

How to reply to an email

  1. Read your recipient's email. …
  2. Begin with an email greeting. …
  3. Write your introduction. …
  4. Acknowledge the last email. …
  5. Answer any previous questions. …
  6. Verify that the recipient understands. …
  7. Select a sign-off. …
  8. Proofread your email.

What is the process of receiving message?

The message travels over the channel of communication. The message is received by the receiver. The receiver decodes the message. The receiver provides feedback, if applicable.

What are the process of receiving communication?

The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver.

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