What are the characteristics of Javert in Les Miserables?

Javert is so obsessed with enforcing society's laws and morals that he does not realize he is living by mistaken assumptions—a tragic and ironic flaw in a man who believes so strongly in enforcing what he believes is right.

What type of character is Javert in Les Miserables?

Victor Hugo introduces Javert as a rigid honest French police officer, who is inflexible and performs the duties of his office with heartily. He is incorruptible, incorrigible and well educated. He portrays a ruthless, totalitarian force in Les Miserables. His character is painted as somewhat of an automaton.

What are the characteristics of Javert in Les Miserables?

Was Javert a good guy?

Javert is indeed the main antagonist in this story; he pursues Valjean, the hero, with a vengeance that seems unjust, and he represents a dark time in Valjean's past. However, he is by no means a villian. Javert is a character with many more complexities than most people attribute to him.

What is the characteristics of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables?

Out of this encounter, Valjean becomes a repentant, honorable, and dignified man. He becomes kind, a devoted father-figure to a girl, Cosette, who loses her mother, and a benefactor to those in need. Although a known criminal and a parolee, Valjean yet grows morally to represent the best traits of humanity.

How does Javert change in Les Miserables?

After Valjean has let Javert go, Javert turns around and does the same to Valjean. This single act breaks Javert's moral code and destroys Javert's sense of right and wrong. As the book tells us, "his greatest anguish was the loss of certainty. He had been torn up by the roots.

What is Javert character analysis?

Javert is so obsessed with enforcing society's laws and morals that he does not realize he is living by mistaken assumptions—a tragic and ironic flaw in a man who believes so strongly in enforcing what he believes is right.

Is Javert a hero?

Inspector Javert is an antagonist turned anti-hero in the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, and its various adaptations. He is a dedicated policeman who is committed to punishing criminals, and becomes obsessed with tracking down Jean Valjean, who he guarded in prison and has now broken parole.

Why is Jean Valjean a good character?

He is exceptional only in his physical strength and his willingness to discover what is good, and this earnestness is enough to make him the novel's hero as well as a savior and a friend to a number of people who find themselves in danger.

Why is Javert important?

Javert is a man of the highest integrity and discipline. He has dedicated his life to public service and believes that the only way to be just is to be completely unbiased. Yes, he develops a Captain Ahab-type obsession with Valjean, but it comes from dedication to his job.

Is Javert a static character?

Javert is another type. As a character, he is static and relatively flat in that he is capable of thinking from only one perspective. He also is unable to cope with change especially where his personal values are concerned.

How are Jean Valjean and Javert different?

Jean Valjean aids the helpless, his enemies, his friends and gives to the poor. He acts as a guardian angel to many people, though because of his history occasionally has an urge to do wrong as he struggles between good and evil thoughts. Javert, on the other hand, condemns countless people, doing so in cold blood.

Is Javert an antagonist?

Inspector Javert is the main antagonist of the Victor Hugo novel Les Misérables and its subsequent adaptations. He is a French prison guard who devotes himself completely to the law and follows it unflinchingly, displaying a total lack of empathy for criminals of all forms.

What personality type is Jean Valjean?

Jean Valjean is an INFJ personality type.

What is the psychology of Javert?

Javert clings to the belief that individuals are completely responsible for their own behavior, regardless of poverty, starvation, or love. He follows this idea to the extreme. Javert consistently judges quickly, harshly and completely based on any crime committed.

What are the characteristics of a static character?

A static character is one that doesn't change throughout the telling of the story, whereas dynamic characters are the opposite – they undergo significant internal and/or external changes. By the end of the story, dynamic characters are very different from how they were at the start.

Why was Javert disgusted with Jean Valjean?

Because he was jealous of him. He knew that he was the better person of the two, and he knew that Valjean's imprisonment was unjustified.

What is the difference between Jean Valjean and Javert?

Jean Valjean aids the helpless, his enemies, his friends and gives to the poor. He acts as a guardian angel to many people, though because of his history occasionally has an urge to do wrong as he struggles between good and evil thoughts. Javert, on the other hand, condemns countless people, doing so in cold blood.

Is Javert an anti hero?

  • Inspector Javert is an antagonist turned anti-hero in the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, and its various adaptations. He is a dedicated policeman who is committed to punishing criminals, and becomes obsessed with tracking down Jean Valjean, who he guarded in prison and has now broken parole.

How is Ralph a dynamic character?

Ralph is a clear representation of a dynamic character due to his actions that constrict him to become a culpable boy. The events in his life show how his attitude transitions throughout the story. Kids get overstimulated when they see no adults around, so they take advantage.

Which character is the best example of a static character?

  • Here are some great examples of static characters in literature:
    • Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock Holmes stories.
    • Atticus Finch in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.
    • Alice in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
    • Romeo Montague in Romeo and Juliet.
    • Ebenezer Scrooge's nephew Fred in Dickens's A Christmas Carol.

What did Jean Valjean do to Javert?

Jean Valjean cut the martingale which Javert had about his neck, then he cut the cords on his wrists, then, stooping down, he cut the cord on his feet; and, straightening himself up, he said to him: “You are free.” Javert was not easily astonished. Still, master of himself though he was, he could not repress a start.

What kind of man is Jean Valjean?

Jean Valjean is an example of a kind, loving, caring, and merciful man, who is first of all a human being, and like any human being, he may fail and rise again. He may learn by his own mistakes and become a better person through overcoming life challenges and twists of fate.

Why did Javert hunt Jean Valjean?

Inspector Javert: A self-righteous lawman, Inspector Javert believes justice and the law reign supreme. After Valjean breaks his parole, Javert hunts him for the rest of his life, convinced that humans cannot change for the better and that bringing him to justice is all that matters.

What are Ralph characteristics?

Ralph represents leadership, the properly socialized and civilized young man. He is attractive, charismatic, and decently intelligent. He demonstrates obvious common sense. Ralph is the one who conceives the meeting place, the fire, and the huts.

What are some characteristics of Ralph?

Although he is quite typical of a 12-year-old boy, Ralph also displays flashes of maturity and common sense which make him seem older. He has qualities of natural leadership such as bravery, fairness and a sense of justice so it is not surprising when he is elected to lead the others.

What are stock characters examples?

Stock characters are ones who represent specific stereotypes. These characters are types and not individuals. Stock characters are based on clichés and social prejudices. For example, the dumb blonde, the mean stepmother, the loyal servant, the abusive boyfriend, or the evil dictator or CEO are all stock characters.

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