What happened in Chapter 3 of Candide?

Summary: Chapter 3 The war results in unbelievable carnage, and Candide deserts at the first opportunity. In both kingdoms he sees burning villages full of butchered and dying civilians. Candide escapes to Holland, where he comes upon a Protestant orator explaining the value of charity to a crowd of listeners.

How does Voltaire display his anti war sentiment in Chapter 3?

chapter 3 is often thought to be a critique of war. how does Voltaire display his antiwar sentiment? He portrays war as a terrible thing. both sides, the Abares and the Bulgarians, ravish humankind yet worship the same God.

What happened in Chapter 3 of Candide?

Why is Candide punished by the army?

After being forced into the Bulgarian army, Candide wanders away for a walk one day and is arrested for desertion. The narrator describes his choice of punishment: He must choose to be either flogged or shot. Candide tries to decline both, but he must choose, so he opts for the flogging.

Why was Pangloss hanged?

Over dinner with some people they helped, Pangloss offends an Inquisitor with his philosophy. Pangloss is hanged for his heretical views and as a preventative measure against future earthquakes. Years later, Candide notices Pangloss working in the galley of his ship as he travels to Constantinople.

What is the old woman’s story in Candide?

The old woman revealed herself to be the daughter of Pope Urban X and the princess of Palestrina, and until the age of fourteen she had lived in a castle that far exceeded in splendor any German castle. Indeed, her dresses were worth more than all the magnificence of Westphalia.

What are 3 examples of satire in Candide?

Examples of Satire in 'Candide'

  • Optimism as an Ideal. …
  • Organized Religion. …
  • Politics and Power. …
  • Class Hierarchies.

What does Candide say about war?

Candide portrays war as futile and wasteful both in terms of material and human sacrifice. Disgusted by the army and his own mistreatment, the protagonist escapes after he is conscripted by the army. Two of the female characters are also subjected to rape and servitude as a result of warfare.

Who is the villain in Candide?

The World. There are a bunch of baddies in Candide: the Bulgars who conscript Candide into the army, the Inquisitor, and the Governor. But the closest thing to a single antagonist in Candide is the world itself.

Is Candide a happy ending?

The Conclusion in Candide

He is reunited with Cunégonde. And Pangloss, of course, is just as annoying to the reader as ever, but Candide is happy to see him and to find him well. The little troupe of characters settles on a farm, where everyone does work to which he or she is suited, and life goes on.

Who dies in Candide?

Candide kills Don Issachar with a sword given to him by the old woman. The Grand Inquisitor arrives to enjoy his allotted time with Cunégonde and is surprised to find Candide. Candide kills him. Cunégonde gathers her jewels and three horses from the stable and flees with Candide and the old woman.


Who is Candide in love with?


Candide is the illegitimate nephew of a German baron. He grows up in the baron's castle under the tutelage of the scholar Pangloss, who teaches him that this world is “the best of all possible worlds.” Candide falls in love with the baron's young daughter, Cunégonde.

Who did Candide love?

Candide is the illegitimate nephew of a German baron. He grows up in the baron's castle under the tutelage of the scholar Pangloss, who teaches him that this world is “the best of all possible worlds.” Candide falls in love with the baron's young daughter, Cunégonde.

Why does the old woman only have one buttock in Candide?

The Sultan and his men were fighting against the Russians. The woman was kept in his harem until the Russians decided to starve the harem out. Unable to leave their post to find food, the guards ate two eunuchs and one buttock of each woman in the harem.

What is the irony in Candide?

Situational irony is a reversal of an expected course of events. For much of the book, Candide searches for Cunegonde so that he can marry her. However, upon finally finding her he discovers that she has grown ugly and he no longer wishes to marry her.

What are the 3 elements of satire?

Invective – harsh, an abusive language directed against a person or a cause. Target –Who (a person or group) or what (an institution or ideology) the satirist is satirizing or targeting. Antithesis – a figure of speech with strongly contrasting words or ideas.

What happened in Candide Chapter 4?

Candide soon recognizes the beggar as Pangloss. Candide brings the weak and feeble Pangloss to the Anabaptist's house. Once revived, Pangloss informs Candide that Bulgar soldiers ravished the Baron's mansion, killed the entire family, and raped and murdered Cunégonde.

What is the main message of Candide?

The message of Candide is that all is not for the best and that this is not the best of all possible worlds. Voltaire argues that evil serves no teleological purpose and that optimism is absurd.

Who dies Candide?

  • Candide kills Don Issachar with a sword given to him by the old woman. The Grand Inquisitor arrives to enjoy his allotted time with Cunégonde and is surprised to find Candide. Candide kills him. Cunégonde gathers her jewels and three horses from the stable and flees with Candide and the old woman.

Who has Candide killed?

Candide kills Don Issachar with a sword given to him by the old woman. The Grand Inquisitor arrives to enjoy his allotted time with Cunégonde and is surprised to find Candide. Candide kills him. Cunégonde gathers her jewels and three horses from the stable and flees with Candide and the old woman.

Is Candide happy at the end?

  • The Conclusion in Candide

    He is reunited with Cunégonde. And Pangloss, of course, is just as annoying to the reader as ever, but Candide is happy to see him and to find him well. The little troupe of characters settles on a farm, where everyone does work to which he or she is suited, and life goes on.

Who is Candide’s love?


Cunégonde is the daughter of a German baron who acts as Candide's benefactor until he discovers Candide's love for his daughter. Throughout much of the novel, Cunégonde is young and beautiful.

Does Candide marry Cunégonde?

Candide marries Cunégonde and buys a small farm with the last of his Eldorado fortune. The entire party — Candide, Cunégonde, Cacambo, Martin, Pangloss, and the old woman — live there together, and are soon joined by Paquette and her companion, Friar Giroflée.

What is the message in Candide?

The message of Candide is that all is not for the best and that this is not the best of all possible worlds. Voltaire argues that evil serves no teleological purpose and that optimism is absurd.

What is irony in satire?

Irony. Irony is satire that compares what someone actually means with their language against what they actually say or do. Here are the four main types of irony: Verbal: Verbal irony is when the meaning of what someone says is the opposite of the intended message.

What is the true end of satire?

In the prologue, "To the Reader", Dryden states that "the true end of satire is the amendment of vices by correction".

What happens in chapter 6 of Candide?

Summary: Chapter 6

The authorities hang Pangloss for his opinions and publicly flog Candide for “listening with an air of approval.” When another earthquake occurs later the same day, Candide finds himself doubting that this is the best of all possible worlds.

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