What was Molière doing when he died?

On February 17, 1673, he collapsed onstage during a performance of his play The Imaginary Invalid and was carried home to die. Since he had not renounced the profession of actor before his death nor received the sacraments, he was buried without ceremony.

What happened to Molière in 1662?

Around this time, Molière and Madeleine began to live apart; in 1662, he married her beautiful daughter Armande (passed off as Madeleine's “sister”). Molière's enemies whispered that Armande, some 20 years younger than the playwright, was his own daughter.

What was Molière doing when he died?

Was Molière buried?

1817, Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, FranceMolière / Buried

What was Molière’s relationship with the king?

He was to earn a position as one of King Louis' favorites and enjoyed the king's protection from attacks on his work. Eventually, the king became the official sponsor of Molière's troupe. In his fourteen years in Paris, Molière wrote thirty-one out of the eighty-five plays his troupe performed.

Who was Molière and why was he important?

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, most commonly known for his stage name, Molière, was a prominent French playwright from the 17th century, and today, named the first greatest French comedy writer in history.

Why did Molière go to jail?

In 1645 Molière was twice sent to prison for debts on the building and properties. The number of theatregoers in 17th-century Paris was small, and the city already had two established theatres, so that a continued existence must have seemed impossible to a young company.

Why did the church not like Molière?

The 17th century was the golden age of French theatre, but the Church thought of actors as prostitutes. They were excommunicated, refused the sacraments of marriage and religious burial.


Was Molière excommunicated?

Even throughout Molière's conflict with the church, Louis XIV continued to support the playwright; it is possible that without the King's support, Molière might have been excommunicated. Although public performances of the play were banned, private performances for the French aristocracy were permitted.

What is the point of Tartuffe?

The character of Tartuffe represents those members of society who preach religious piety but do not themselves live by the morals they try to force upon others.

What was Molière doing a few hours before his death?

In 1673, during a production of his final play, The Imaginary Invalid, Molière, who suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, was seized by a coughing fit and a haemorrhage while playing the hypochondriac Argan. He finished the performance but collapsed again and died a few hours later.

What did Molière say?

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation. The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.

What was the name of the religious hypocrite in Molière’s play?

Tartuffe, or The Impostor, or The Hypocrite (/tɑːrˈtʊf, -ˈtuːf/; French: Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur, pronounced [taʁtyf u lɛ̃pɔstœʁ]), first performed in 1664, is a theatrical comedy by Molière. The characters of Tartuffe, Elmire, and Orgon are considered among the greatest classical theatre roles.

How did Molière impact the society?

Once back in Paris, Molière's troupe secured the patronage of the King's brother and later the King himself. Influenced by the Italian Commedia dell'arte theatre style, Molière revolutionised the comedy genre, which was previously disregarded in France and seen as inferior to tragedy.

What happens to Tartuffe at the end of the play?

Tartuffe evicts the family, but as they begin to leave, a messenger from the king arrives. He arrests Tartuffe for his nefarious actions against Orgon. The king also invalidates the paperwork that gives Tartuffe Orgon's home. This ending is pleasing not only for Orgon, but the audience as well.

What happens to Tartuffe at the end?

Tartuffe evicts the family, but as they begin to leave, a messenger from the king arrives. He arrests Tartuffe for his nefarious actions against Orgon. The king also invalidates the paperwork that gives Tartuffe Orgon's home. This ending is pleasing not only for Orgon, but the audience as well.

Why did Tartuffe get banned?

It was originally written as a three-act play for a festival at court in 1664, but it was denounced as an open attack on religion, and Molière was forbidden to present it in public. The Archbishop of Paris banned the second version, written in 1667, from both public and private performances.

What was Molière’s famous quote?

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation.

What is the moral of the story Tartuffe?

  • Being a good person requires proactive action and sincerity. Acting like a good person, without sincere care and empathy, does not make one a good person, but a person who does good deeds occasionally.

What is the moral of the story in Tartuffe?

Being a good person requires proactive action and sincerity. Acting like a good person, without sincere care and empathy, does not make one a good person, but a person who does good deeds occasionally.

What is the original ending of Tartuffe?

  • Tartuffe evicts the family, but as they begin to leave, a messenger from the king arrives. He arrests Tartuffe for his nefarious actions against Orgon. The king also invalidates the paperwork that gives Tartuffe Orgon's home. This ending is pleasing not only for Orgon, but the audience as well.

What is the message behind Tartuffe?

Hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is deception; Tartuffe is a character who is steeped in hypocrisy in that he does not practice what he preaches. He claims to be a religious and moral man; however, he is using Orgon, his landlord and friend, in an attempt to steal both his property and his wife.

What is the absurd quote?

“Man stands face to face with the irrational. He feels within him his longing for happiness and for reason. The absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world.


What is the conclusion for Tartuffe?

Orgon is given back his property and absolved of any wrongdoing, Tartuffe is taken away, and Mariane and Valère are slated to be married. It's a picture perfect conclusion, complete with a marriage. The good guys win, the bad guys lose, and all is right in the fair kingdom of France.

Who is the villain in Tartuffe?

Tartuffe, is the main antagonist in Moliere's play Tartuffe, also known as The Imposter or The Hypocrite.

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