Who would win Spinosaurus or T Rex?

Yet, the T-Rex had a massive neck that the Spinosaurus wasn't going to break with its bite power. The T-Rex could thrash free and clamp down on the Spinosaurus. With all that power and the 12-inch teeth, the most likely outcome is that the T-Rex kills Spinosaurus.

Who is more powerful than T-Rex?

The T-Rex maxed out the scale at 15,000 pounds but was also 20 feet tall and 40 feet in length. The comparison is close, but the Giganotosaurus is the bigger beast and has an advantage. Giganotosaurus was one of the largest predators to ever roam the Earth.

Who would win Spinosaurus or T Rex?

Can Spinosaurus beat Rexy?

Originally Answered: Could Rexy kill the spinosaurus from Jurassic park 3? Yes, easily. The T. Rex killed by the Spinosaurus in Jurassic Park III was a smallish rogue male, considerably smaller and less powerful than Rexy.

What dinosaur can defeat the T-Rex?

A Tyrannosaurus Rex might be known for its ferocious bite, but now scientists say a caiman that lived eight million years ago, had a bite TWICE as powerful. Known as Purussaurus brasiliensis, the reptilian predator lived in the Amazon region in South America.

Would T-Rex beat Spinosaurus?

However, the T-Rex has a long neck, and the Spinosaurus cannot crack it with its strong teeth. The T-Rex would not have been reluctant to knock down the Spinosaurus. Furthermore, with its powerful 12-inch long teeth, there are chances that the T-Rex will kill the Spinosaurus in the battle.

What dinosaur was T-Rex afraid of?


In fact, it wasn't at the top of the food chain at all. It was still living in fear of other, more primitive carnivorous dinosaurs called allosaurs, which were the apex predators of the day.

Who is the king of all dinosaurs?

Tyrannosaurus rex

Tyrannosaurus rex is the 'one true king of the dinosaurs' | CNN.

Will Spinosaurus fight Giganotosaurus?

Giganotosaurus would use its speed to smash into the other dinosaur and land deadly, flesh-ripping bites on it. The Spinosaurus's bite was strong, but its teeth were built to grab and hold smaller prey, not take down massive theropods. The Giganotosaurus would be too much for the Spinosaurus to fend off in this fight.

Who was the T-Rex worst enemy?

One can imagine its powerfulness. In addition, the Giganotosaurus likes to move out in groups, so he can be regarded as a powerful opponent of the Tyrannosaurus rex. Spinosaurus was the largest carnivorous dinosaur in the age of dinosaurs. It was ferocious, with a body length of about 20 meters.

Who is bigger V rex or Spinosaurus?

The water-loving Spinosaurus had a spiny “sail” on its back, and a crocodile-like head, neck and tail, but was much larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex. At 50 feet long, it's the largest carnivore to walk (and swim) the Earth… that we know of.

What kills the T. rex?

rex killed by parasite, not combat, scientists say. One of the world's most famous dinosaurs — Sue the T. rex at the Field Museum in Chicago — died of a parasitic infection, not in a fight with another dinosaur, researchers say.

What dinosaur had no predator?

The giant jurassic dinosaur Allosaurus was a scavenger, not a predator.

What dinosaurs had 1000000?


Nigersaurus Temporal range: Aptian – Albian
Genus: †Nigersaurus Sereno et al., 1999
Species: †N. taqueti
Binomial name
†Nigersaurus taqueti Sereno et al., 1999

Who is the 2 king of the dinosaurs?

Jump to: Size.

Can a Spinosaurus take down a T-Rex?

The Spinosaurus recovered quickly from the blow and managed to out-maneuver the Tyrannosaurus and bite deep into his neck. Bellowing in pain, the T. rex groaned out in agony as the Spinosaurus gripped his neck with it's arms and snapped the rival dinosaur's neck, killing him instantly.

Can Spinosaurus beat mosasaurus?

Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus: Endurance and Behavior

The mosasaurus needs to breathe air in order to survive, which means that the spinosaurus could indeed drown the mosasaurus with little effort.

What is T. rex afraid of?

In fact, it wasn't at the top of the food chain at all. It was still living in fear of other, more primitive carnivorous dinosaurs called allosaurs, which were the apex predators of the day.

What dinosaur has 500 teeth?

  • Nigersaurus

    Nigersaurus had a delicate skull and an extremely wide mouth lined with teeth especially adapted for browsing plants close to the ground. This bizarre, long-necked dinosaur is characterized by its unusually broad, straight-edged muzzle tipped with more than 500 replaceable teeth.

What is Rex afraid of?

Except for some carnivorous dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex is also afraid to provoke some herbivorous dinosaurs, and Ankylosaurus is one of them. It was equipped with a powerful tail club that could be swung with enough force to shatter bone.

What is the scariest dinosaur?

  • Tyrannosaurus rex

    The “king of the tyrant lizards” will always be one of the scariest and deadliest dinosaurs around with a bite force three times that of a great white shark – making it the strongest bite force of any land animal that has ever lived.

What dinosaur is bulletproof?

One particular dino could have withstood gunfire more effectively than others: a tank-like creature called the Ankylosaurus. These massive dinosaurs sported incredibly strong armor — bony plates that covered their backs, skulls, and even their eyes and cheeks.

What dinosaur has 1000000000 teeth?


Nigersaurus Temporal range: Aptian – Albian
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Dinosauria
Clade: Saurischia

What dinosaur has 800 teeth?

Triceratops, the three-horned frilled plant-eating dinosaur that everyone knows and loves, may have had a secret weapon in its 800 teeth. New research shows there was a lot more to Triceratops' bite than meets the eyes. Triceratops is one of the most iconic dinosaurs of all time.

Which dinosaur is queen?

Triceratops horridus (The Fallen Queen)

Which dinosaur has 500 teeth?


Bizarre 500-toothed dinosaur

Nigersaurus, you might remember, we named for bones collected on the last expedition here three years ago. This sauropod (long-necked dinosaur) has an unusual skull containing as many as 500 slender teeth.

Who would win Giga or Spinosaurus?

The Giganotosaurus was a powerhouse, and it would take down the Spinosaurus. A Giganotosaurus would win a fight against a Spinosaurus. We can't mistake the large size of the Spinosaurus for the ability to kill another massive dinosaur.

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