Why Jean Valjean is the best character in Les Misérables?

There are many reasons why Jean Valjean is the best character in Les Misérables. First, he is an incredibly brave and determined individual. He never gives up, even when the odds are against him. Second, he is incredibly selfless.

Why Jean Valjean is the best character in the story Les Misérables?

He is exceptional only in his physical strength and his willingness to discover what is good, and this earnestness is enough to make him the novel's hero as well as a savior and a friend to a number of people who find themselves in danger.

Why Jean Valjean is the best character in Les Misérables?

Who is the best character in Les Mis?

Fantine is by far the best character in the show. Her story is hauntingly compelling; as a young and naive girl she was abandoned by her lover and now society looks down on her, but she will do anything for Cosette because her daughter is all she has left.

What are the characteristics of Jean Valjean in Les Misérables?

Out of this encounter, Valjean becomes a repentant, honorable, and dignified man. He becomes kind, a devoted father-figure to a girl, Cosette, who loses her mother, and a benefactor to those in need. Although a known criminal and a parolee, Valjean yet grows morally to represent the best traits of humanity.

What good things did Jean Valjean do?

The story depicts Valjean's struggle to lead a normal life after serving in prison for 19 years. He learns honesty from Bishop Myriel and feels love after retrieving Cosette. He devotes the rest of his life to helping others, especially Cosette (raising her) and Marius (saving his life at the barricades).

What can we learn from Jean Valjean?

What we can learn from Jean Valjean is that he sees people. He sees the humanity in them. He sees it in the prostitute, Fantine. He even sees it in Inspector Javert, who pursues him so ruthlessly throughout Valjean's life.

What are Jean Valjean strengths?

For one thing, Valjean has super strength—the strength of “four men,” as Victor Hugo tells us. He also has a secret identity: When he leaves prison after 19 years (the result of first stealing bread for his sister's starving family and then trying to escape), he breaks parole and changes his name to Monsieur Madeleine.

Who was the best Valjean?

Colm Wilkinson

Colm Wilkinson. Arguably the most iconic and popular portrayal of Valjean out there, Wilkinson originated the role on the West End, reprised it for the original Broadway cast, and would later reprise it a few other times, most notably in the 1995 10th Anniversary “Dream Cast in Concert” production.

Is Jean Valjean the main character?

Jean Valjean, fictional character, the fugitive protagonist of Victor Hugo's sweeping novel Les Misérables (1862).

What type of character is Jean Valjean?

Jean Valjean is an example of a kind, loving, caring, and merciful man, who is first of all a human being, and like any human being, he may fail and rise again. He may learn by his own mistakes and become a better person through overcoming life challenges and twists of fate.

Is Jean Valjean good?

Jean Valjean is an example of a kind, loving, caring, and merciful man, who is first of all a human being, and like any human being, he may fail and rise again. He may learn by his own mistakes and become a better person through overcoming life challenges and twists of fate.

Is Jean Valjean a tragic hero?

Jean Valjean is a tragic hero of Aristotelian dimension, whose exploits both inspire and humble with the surfeit of courage and compassion that define them.

Who is the main character in Les Miserables?

Jean ValjeanCosetteFantineInspector JavertGavrocheMarius Pontmercy
Les Misérables/Characters

Who is the hero of Les Misérables?

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean (also known as Monsieur Madeleine, Ultime Fauchelevent, Monsieur Leblanc, and Urbain Fabre) – The protagonist of the novel.

What type of leader is Jean Valjean?

Jean Valjean became a charismatic leader, becoming an example through kind deeds and a desire to help humanity. The antagonist Javert represents the bureaucratic leader and a personified version of harsh french law. The bishop was a servant leader, showing Valjean a new way to live through the example of kindness.

What kind of character is Jean Valjean?

Jean Valjean is an example of a kind, loving, caring, and merciful man, who is first of all a human being, and like any human being, he may fail and rise again. He may learn by his own mistakes and become a better person through overcoming life challenges and twists of fate.

Why was Jean Valjean so strong?

Jean Valjean (although not a virgin) experiences a religious epiphany in the hands of Bishop Myriel and is blessed with great strength. Then, he uses his strength wisely…to save people like Fauchelevant, instead of abusing it. Of course, my theory doesn't work if Jean Valjean was always strong.

What is the strength of Jean Valjean?

  • For one thing, Valjean has super strength—the strength of “four men,” as Victor Hugo tells us. He also has a secret identity: When he leaves prison after 19 years (the result of first stealing bread for his sister's starving family and then trying to escape), he breaks parole and changes his name to Monsieur Madeleine.
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