Who invented sine and cosine?

In the early 9th century AD, Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī produced accurate sine and cosine tables, and the first table of tangents. He was also a pioneer in spherical trigonometry.

Who invented the sine and cosine rule?

In the 12th century, Bhaskara II discovered the sine and cosine expansions in roughly their modern form. Arabic mathematicians were also working in this area and, in the 9th century, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi produced sine and cosine tables. He also gave a table of tangents.

Who invented sine and cosine?

Who invented cosine?

In the 15th century, Jamshīd al-Kāshī, a Persian mathematician and astronomer, provided the first explicit statement of the law of cosines in a form suitable for triangulation. He provided accurate trigonometric tables and expressed the theorem in a form suitable for modern usage.

Who invented sin?

Who invented original sin? St Augustine, who largely devised the theory of original sin, thought that original sin was transmitted from generation to generation through sexual intercourse. Augustine did not say exactly how this happened.

Who is the father of math?

Therefore, on the basis of the earliest contribution, the father of mathematics is Pythagoras.

Who is the father of calculus?

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was a mathematician and scientist, and he was the first person who is credited with developing calculus.

What is the origin of sine?

The word sine originally came from the latin sinus, meaning "bay" or "inlet". However, it had a long path to get there. The earliest known reference to the sine function is from Aryabhata the Elder, who used both ardha-jya (half-chord) and jya (chord) to mean sine in Aryabhatiya, a Sanskrit text finished in 499 CE.

Why was sine invented?

Sine was introduced by Abu'l Wafa in 8th century, as a more convenient function, and gradually spread first in the Muslim world, and then to the West. (But apparently it was used in India centuries before him), as a more convenient function. However this new notation was adopted very slowly, it took centuries.

Who is the father of all sin?


Pride has been labeled the father of all sins and has been deemed the devil's most essential trait.

When was sine invented?

The earliest table of the sine function (although still not with its modern definition) is found in the Surya Siddhanta, a Hindu astronomical handbook from the 4th or 5th century ad.

Who found numbers 1 to 9?

They originated in India in the 6th or 7th century and were introduced to Europe through the writings of Middle Eastern mathematicians, especially al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi, about the 12th century.

Who taught math first?

The study of mathematics as a "demonstrative discipline" began in the 6th century BC with the Pythagoreans, who coined the term "mathematics" from the ancient Greek μάθημα (mathema), meaning "subject of instruction".

Who is the father of sine?

In Indian astronomy, the study of trigonometric functions flourished in the Gupta period, especially due to Aryabhata (sixth century CE), who discovered the sine function.

Who first used sine?

The first actual appearance of the sine of an angle appears in the work of the Hindus. Aryabhata, in about 500, gave tables of half chords which now really are sine tables and used jya for our sin.

Who is the father of mathematics?

Therefore, on the basis of the earliest contribution, the father of mathematics is Pythagoras.

Who is the oldest sin?

By his sin Adam, as the first man, lost the original holiness he had received from God, not only for himself but for all humans. Adam and Eve transmitted to their descendants human nature wounded by their own first sin and hence deprived of original holiness and justice; this deprivation is called "original sin".

Who is the mother of sin?

As we discuss this topic—“Pride: the Mother of All Sins” —consider this quote: “Pride is a cosmic crime. It has the dubious distinction of standing alone atop the list of the seven deadly sins, because it is in essence the source of all sins.

How was sine discovered?

  • Sine was introduced by Abu'l Wafa in 8th century, as a more convenient function, and gradually spread first in the Muslim world, and then to the West. (But apparently it was used in India centuries before him), as a more convenient function. However this new notation was adopted very slowly, it took centuries.

Who found God’s number?

For years, Tom Rokicki worked to determine the exact value of God's number for the Rubik's Cube (the smallest number of moves needed to solve the cube in the worst case), a very difficult problem. By the time he solved this, Tom was completely deaf.

Who invented infinity?

  • infinity, the concept of something that is unlimited, endless, without bound. The common symbol for infinity, ∞, was invented by the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655.

What is the oldest math subject?

A General View of Mathematics. Where did Mathematics Start? We have considered some very early examples of counting. At least one dated to 30,000B.C. Counting is but the earliest form of mathematics.

Who is father of math?


He is believed to have lived around 570 BC – 495 BC. After him, we have Archimedes. Many claim him to be the 'father of mathematics'. His native place was Syracuse, a Greek territory.

Where did sine and cosine come from?

In trigonometry, the name “sine” comes through Latin from a Sanskrit word meaning “chord”. In the picture of a unit circle below, AB has length sinθ and this is half a chord of the circle. The co-functions are functions of complementary angles: cosθ = sin(π/2 − θ), cotθ = tan(π/2 − θ), and cscθ = sec(π/2 − θ).

Which country invented maths?

The earliest evidence of written mathematics dates back to the ancient Sumerians, who built the earliest civilization in Mesopotamia. They developed a complex system of metrology from 3000 BC.

Do Muslims believe in original sin?

Repentance of sin

There is also no concept of original sin in Islam. It is the act of leaving what God has prohibited and returning to what he has commanded.

Who was born without original sin?

By having Mary free of original sin resulted in both Mary's and Jesus' conceptions being miraculous. The concept of the immaculate conception — that Mary was conceived without sin while a pre-embryo circa 20 BCE — gained support in the church.

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